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The Wiley Dictionary of Civil Engineering and Construction: English-Spanish/Spanish-English



The Wiley Dictionary of Civil Engineering and Construction: English-Spanish/Spanish-English offers the first bilingual update of civil engineering terminology in forty years. With more than 50,000 entries in each language, it provides comprehensive covera


  • ISBN: 9780471122463
  • Páginas: 553
  • Tamaño: 19X26
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Ingles,Español
  • Año: 1996

Disponibilidad: Inmediata

Contenido The Wiley Dictionary of Civil Engineering and Construction: English-Spanish/Spanish-English

The Wiley Dictionary of Civil Engineering and Construction: English-Spanish/Spanish-English offers the first bilingual update of civil engineering terminology in forty years. With more than 50,000 entries in each language, it provides comprehensive coverage of a broad range of industrial disciplines, including architecture, engineering, surveying, building, heavy construction, and municipal engineering.

Entries include technical terms and phrases not found in any general translation dictionary--many of these are taken directly from The Contractor's Dictionary by L. F. Webster, official publications, engineering specifications, and engineering textbooks. Virtually all terms and their functions were supplied by working professionals and experts in each field. Each translation has been confirmed by teams of reviewers in the United States and Latin America to ensure accuracy and reflect a wide range of Spanish dialects. Since there is considerable overlap among engineering disciplines, many of the terms in this book are also applicable to electrical, mechanical, and structural engineering.

The Wiley Dictionary of Civil Engineering and Construction: English-Spanish/Spanish-English is an indispensable resource for civil engineers and contractors, translating correspondence, specifications, and working drawings; marketers for engineering firms, preparing bids and proposals for international contracts; and engineering students, struggling to understand complex course textbooks in a foreign language. It is the only source for accurate, reliable, up-to-date translations of the entire spectrum of engineering and construction terminology.

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